The England Project highlights the continuing struggle to get Tesco to recognise England and afford English shoppers the same courtesy as that extended to shoppers in Scotland and Wales - produce clearly marked with the national flag. Tesco, whilst drawing the bulk of its profits from shoppers in England, prefer to ignore the country's existence, submerging it in the Union flag.
Below, is an old post from the CEP Cambs blog, run by Drew & Fiona, who locked horns with Tescos (and Sainsburys) several times.
The Tesco situation has resulted in some loss of custom for the store. At least six people I know no longer shop there. There must be others.
Spread the word - TESCO HATES ENGLAND! Sounds a bit tacky and OTT? Granted, but it appears to be true...
The struggle continues... Here's the old CEP Cambs post...
How can Tesco justify emblazoning their product packaging with a multitude of national flags, including the Scottish Saltire and the Welsh Dragon, but never the English Cross of St George?
We wrote to Tesco in Newmarket Road, Cambridge, last August and are still awaiting a reply. Mrs Scott wrote to Tesco in Yarrow Road, Cambridge, in December 2004 and received the reply featured above.
1) No English Produce - We source our ranges through the EU which enables us to get the best quality stock at the best prices.
"It seemed rather insulting to English farmers and manufacturers really," Mrs Scott told us. "It really is disloyal."
Mrs Wilson of Cambridge, commented: "Of course, they do supply English produce, they just won't label it as such - perhaps at the behest of the EU, but I'm sure that Tesco needn't obey dictates from there if it didn't want. The best quality produce you can buy is English and is available at your local markets, and at a much cheaper price than Tesco's in my experience!"
Dave from Essex...
Something's absolutely rotten about Tesco's attitude. I reckon the store does hate England. There'll be a clique of bigoted Scots or PC English trendies at the root of this. We have a Tesco right on our doorstep, just perfect for us to use. But we wouldn't be seen dead in it whilst they see fit to discriminate against our country.
Sue Campbell...
Love the blunt heading, Chris! Right on - Tesco is a a git of a supermarket chain, anti-English to the max!
Wotcha, Sue. Yeah, the heading is a bit strident, isn't it? I just feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall at times - and it makes me want to shout loud!
E-mail: wenap@btinternet.com
This blog supports the aims of the Campaign for an English Parliament, but is in no way connected to that organisation.