Assisting The Electorate To Wake Up To The UK Government's Discrimination Against The People Of England.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Union Jack - The Flag Of Oppression

Like David Cameron, Gordon Brown simply cannot resist a bit of Scots jingoism. But it will hopefully contribute to his downfall...

From the Sunday Times:

PUBLIC buildings in Scotland will be allowed to fly the Saltire year-round following a government climbdown in response to pressure from nationalists.

UK ministers will this week announce the lifting of restrictions on flag flying that have been in force since 1924. The rules stipulate that the Union Jack must must take precedence over all national flags on 18 days each year.

Scottish government buildings with only one flagpole must take down the Saltire and replace it with the Union Jack on specified national days including the Queen's birthday, Remembrance Day and Commonwealth Day. The decision to give the Saltire equal status has been welcomed by the Scottish National party. “It's a recognition that we are in charge of our flag flying arrangements,” said a senior Scottish government source.

Read it all here.

So, with no mandate Prime Minister Gordon Brown's "Britishness" drive in England and his insistence that the Union Flag (which also features the Saltire, the flag of his own country) is flown on all our public buildings, never the Cross of St George, and with Wales and Northern Ireland acquiring more and more powers, it looks like the oppression and sheer unfairness of Scottish-Raj led UK rulership is finally strangling England.

Of course, it was a daft decision for ministers to allow this latest "right" for Scotland. But it demonstrates more clearly than mere words on my part their complete and utter contempt for the people of England.

Spit on the Union Flag...

The flag which sees a non-representative Prime Minister ruling England...

The flag which sees people dying in England for want of medication available on the NHS in Scotland...

The flag which sees Scotland ruling several English rivers...

The flag which sees prescriptions are free to all, including millionaires, in Wales, and that Council Tax has been capped in Scotland whilst it soars in England...

The flag which sees lower health and public spending in England than elsewhere in the so-called "UK"...

The flag which sees that Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs can foist legislation onto England which will not affect their owsn constituents...

The flag which sees England broken up into regions, against our will, and denies the people of England a say on the future of England, the UK and the EU...

The Union Flag is a flag of oppression. You'll see it cropping up on public buildings all around you as Gordon Brown tries to hoodwink the public in England into believing that devolution has not happened.

Spread the word.

The Union Flag is now a symbol of evil.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gordon Brown Says He Feels Your Pain, But Sadly He Inflicted Most Of It!

In an exclusive interview in the Sun today, Premier Gordon Brown tells us he feels our pain as we cope with soaring household bills. But trust in him, he will see us through.

This is the man who cut the capital budget of the English NHS from 6.2bn to 4.2bn in one of his last acts as Chancellor. Of course, the budgets of his own country, Scotland, and the fellow "Celtic" nations of Wales and Northern Ireland were unaffected - read about it in the Financial Times - here.

This is the man who this very day was standing up in Parliament talking about "nations and regions". You know the nations - Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. You know the regions - fragmented areas which once constituted a nation called England.

Mr Brown feels your pain when you're dying in England for want of medication available on the NHS in Scotland. He feels your pain when you are digging deep for money to pay for soaring prescription costs - free to everybody, including millionaires, in Wales.

Actually, Gordon Brown does not feel your pain.

Gordon Brown is a self-serving, racist, anti-English LIAR.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

David Cameron - A Racist Himself!

David Cameron - racist slime.

David Cameron has, quite rightly, condemned the BNP, but is guilty of a form of racism himself. Against every man, woman and child in England.

David Cameron does not have the Barnett Formula or West Lothian Question on his top five list of priorities, and as for health apartheid - he doesn't even mention it. Dying in England? Well, the Union comes before your life.

Quote: "I would rather have an imperfect Union rather than some perfect constitutional construct that would threaten the Union."

And Mr Cameron has also been revealing his Scots jingoistic natire, informing us that his maternal grandmother's family:

"...were Scottish Empire builders - conquered all sorts of parts of India, I think."

Note, not BRITISH Empire builders, but Scottish. Read the full article here -

and more WENAP material on it here -

David Cameron tries to fool us into believing that he is English. He is not. Nationality is largely a state of mind. He actually does not care for the English at all. He can't possibly - or he would be up in arms about the fact you can die in England for want of medication available on the NHS in Scotland, or that prescriptions are free to millionaires in Wales but in England they are soaring and many of us can barely afford them, whilst not qualifying for any financial assistance.

David Cameron talks of the "Scottish Empire" and flags up his own apparently mixed UK origins, saying we must all be British, whilst accepting that in Wales and Scotland people can also be Welsh and Scots and have their own national representative bodies and higher spending.

For those desiring parity in England, David Cameron has nothing but contempt: "Sour Little Englanders!"

David Cameron is just as bad as the British National Party and Gordon Brown. David Cameron sits by whilst people in England die for want of medication available on the NHS in Scotland and muddies the water as best he can to prolong the disparities. To keep England as the poor relation in the UK.

David Cameron has no room to go talking about the BNP. The man is a hateful, racist muddier of facts himself.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"Alba" Comments...

Alba has long frequented the CEP News Blog and others, expressing his view that it's the British who are at fault in the devolutionary debacle and that Scots as Scots have no share of the blame. After our post yesterday, Alba popped in this morning to air his views. Here they are, and our replies...

Alba: What a lot of racist, spitting, vitriolic garbage.

Us: Why? We're saying that English, Scots, Welsh and Irish are nationalities, not races and that the Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish are no more Celts than the English are Anglo Saxons. Why is that racist?

Alba: Here's a few points for you, racist.

Us: Once again, why? We're not talking about "Celtic nations" as you do. We accept each nation of the UK as being multi-ethnic.

Alba: - I don't 'dream' of the day about football victories [unless you've managed to get that from the mail??

Us: You seemed to be relishing such a prospect.

Alba: - I'm not anti-democratic. I'm very much on your side - seen this morning's headlines? Now THAT is scary.
- I've no idea where you get off saying I am downing Anglo-Saxon England? Is this a sideways comment to your white racist supremest thoughts about immigration?

Us: Eh? We stated that English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish are not races but nationalities. You were the one banging on about the "three Celtic nations". We don't believe that England IS Anglo Saxon and stated that clearly.

Alba: - Scotland doesn't get free prescriptions, although it may come later. I didn't make devolution and I don't need to be lectured on post-devolution imbalance. That's not a Scotland/Wales/England thing as I've told and explained to your THICK head a dozen times. It is a BRITISH problem and it is the UNION and the plate spinning therein that's to blame.

Us: We were talking about your definition of "Celts" - the Welsh get free prescriptions and Scotland is discussing the idea, the NHS in Scotland provides life prolonging medication not available on the NHS in England. The Prime Minister is not accountable to the English electorate, he was elected in Scotland and a lot of his policies do not affect his own constituents. He also signed the Scottish Claim Of Right, and has recently been proclaiming himself as being "as Scottish as Alex Salmond."

Alba: - You come across like a four-year-old and are something of a political joke.

Us: We find that the blogosphere seems to have a lot of sites which are excellent for academics and the educated; some of these sites seem to be anti-English (like Our Kingdom) whilst professing to be neutral. It is our aim to plug a gap in the blogosphere by giving our views as common-of-garden, non-academic nurses and care workers. We don't claim to be anything even remotely clever.

The blogosphere has room for all...

Alba: - 'Nationalities' are great, until those nationalities are rendered as 'regions'. And I'm afraid Scotland has a greater chance of such steam-rolling for different reasons to the problems that act as a catalyst for a 'changing England'.
- Numptie.

Us: And throughout all this, Alba still seems to think he and the Scots, Welsh and Irish are "Celts". We've no more to say.

Replies by: DREW & FIONA

Monday, March 10, 2008

We Are The Celts! Cry The Little Scotlanders, Waleans, etc...

One of the most ridiculous examples of racist double standards in the UK today is the idea that the English are a mongrel breed, unfit for national recognition, and the Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish are "Celts" - frightening notions of ethnic and genetic purity!

It often reveals itself in the cries of Little Scotlanders, Waleans and even the "Cornish", though we've not yet come across it to any degree amongst Irish people of our acquaintance.

In this CEP thread -

- you can read the thoughts of a regular participant, a Scot, who calls him/herself "Alba" and dreams of the day when the "Celtic nations" beat the English at football.

Very strange. The people behind Our Kingdom, meanwhile, determinedly anti-fascist (and anti-democratic) when it comes England, don't turn a hair at the notion of Celtic ethnic purity in the other UK nations.

English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish are nationalities, not races. And as the notion of an Anglo Saxon population in England is debunked and ridiculed, surely the same should apply to the primping, preening "Celts", with all their special priviliges in the modern day UK - you know, life prolonging medications, free prescriptions, etc, etc?

Not racist that sort of thing, is it? It would only be racist if it was the people of England who were enjoying the benefits, and not those in Scotland and Wales.



Peter Facey

Peter Facey and "Unlock Democracy" are both heartily endorsed by the chattering classes.

Peter Facey and "Unlock Democracy" are however very puzzling entities indeed.

How do we "unlock democracy" without giving England parity within the UK - and devolution has been awarded on grounds of nationhood elsewhere?

Mr Facey, and therefore "Unlock Democracy", believe that the current Governmernt should carve England up into regions and that it should be subsumed into the UK.

That England should exist no more. And that it should be at the behest of our current corrupt and non-representative political elite.

Surely, England needs a representative national parliament and THAT should decide how England is governed internally? Not according to Mr Facey.

It's illogical. It's the sort of thing that should Joe Bloggs say it, he would be snorted at derisively. But because Mr Facey has the "right background", the chattering classes allow him to chunter unchallenged and believe that the man probably has a point.

"I couldn't have debated well enough," said one person who had spent time debating the English issue with Mr Facey on the more-than-slightly twisted "Our Kingdom" site the day before the Justice Committee hearing.

But Mr Facey does not debate. He gives no replies, no good reason for his anti-English stance.

Pop eyed, defensive body language at the Justice Committee, an absolute refusal to see what democracy MEANS and a site called "Unlock Democracy". How logical is Peter Facey? How democratic? And just what is behind his bizarre mindset?

But the man has the "right background" so gets away with it all, virtually unscathed.

Who said the class system is dead? Why doesn't somebody tell this man that unless he can back up his opinions with logical arguments, he is doing nobody any favours?

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Sue Campbell on "Conniving" MSP Christine Grahame

Born in England, but more Scottish than day old haggis, Christine Grahame uses her place of birth to try and make out that her actions are justified and that she's truly fair-minded. In reality, she's a conniving anti-English... er... MSP!

The SNP are anxious to use her to front their most dishonest endeavours, because then they can say: "But she was born in England! She's English! She has no axe to grind!"

No she isn't English - and yes she does have an axe to grind. She hates the English. I was born in Scotland and my Dad's a Scot, but believe me nationality's really a state of mind and I'm English!

See more about Ms Grahame here.

Our Kingdom: The Secret Person - A Reply...

From The Secret Person:

While I disagree with Peter Facey and co. Our Kingdom has also allowed the CEP's Michael Knowles and Gareth Young to make contributions. I think anything that gets people talking about the English question is worthwhile. These are exactly the type of people and arguments we will come up against in persuading the British establishment so it is useful to argue against them now.

We reply:

Thank you for writing.

With all due respect, we disagree. Our Kingdom is not what it stated it would be, the likes of Anthony Barnett are actually anti-English fascists, out to smear any campaigns for equality for England as "racist" - it is not a site for fair debate with its organisers having such a strong agenda of their own. They may deny they have such an agenda, but just read through the site. The facts speak for themselves.

Because of most of its content, we don't see Our Kingdom as a quality site. Just because it declared itself as important at the outset and the chattering classes fell on its neck, doesn't make it so.

At the end of the day, the likes of Peter Facey are spouting an awful lot of evasive, illogical drivel, which, once the public is made fully aware of the issues, he will cease doing because it IS such evasive, illogical drivel. He only does so at the moment to cloud the issues and because he hopes that he may fool a few more poor innocents into not peering too deeply into matters. "Unlock Democracy"? It's nonsense, of course - another anti-English/England organisation.

Once the issues go wide, the howls of derision at what the likes of Mr Facey have been saying will discourage any further nonsense.

Our Kingdom may allow contributions from the likes of Mike Knowles and Gareth Young, really it has to if you think about it, but that does not alter the fact that its organisers have a strong anti-English bias, and couldn't give a damn about the everyday man or woman in the street.

There's space for all sorts on the blogosphere, as I'm sure you agree. All of us involved in WENAP are breadline, working class care workers/nurses and what is happening in England makes us intensely angry.

In our view, people should not be giving the likes of Our Kingdom credence as an unbiased, respectable site for debate because it is not. It allows views to be expressed about England that it would never allow to be expressed about the other UK nations (did you read the post about our lack of moral vision being the reason why we don't deserve a parliament?) and backs up the fascist "Celt" assumption which is STILL prevelant in Scotland and Wales.

Whilst people continue to believe that Our Kingdom is "spiffing" and a "good egg", and whilst it continues with its dreadful, twisted, anti-English attitudes, we shall continue to highlight the true facts.

Thanks again for writing.

Google Decides Which UK Saints to Celebrate - 2008

Ah, the first of our annual Saint's days and Google says it's OK to celebrate St David's Day, Patron Saint of Wales. It was last year, too, but it's even better this year because last year there was only a daffodil as part of the celebratory logo, this year there is also a leek.

Now, which other Saints are OK in 2008? Last year it was St David and St Patrick (Ireland). But not St Andrew (Scotland) or St George (England). Let's take your bets for this year, ladies and gentlemen...

And happy St David's Day, Wales.