Assisting The Electorate To Wake Up To The UK Government's Discrimination Against The People Of England.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Spreading The Word About Uncaring New Labour In England...

We're trying to spread the word about just what New Labour is doing to England with its corporate free market NHS and social care provision - entailing cut back after cut back - which go well beyond the levels demanded by your stingiest sat-at-home Tory.

A reply to our e-mail at Socialist Unity:

Maria….”These are frightening times”… I agree entirely…. in my area the organisation that took over Council Housing in a stock transfer also took over council run residential care homes….. a few weeks ago they made redundant 70% of the staff and all in house catering and housekeeping services…. The Elderly residents protested and no one came to their aid…. New Labour locally were silent.

The catering services were privatised and friend of the local Tory MP got the contract…. The residents wrote to the Queen…. and eventually got a sympathy visit from the Bishop of Worcester and a photo in the local paper. [everyone looked miserable in the photo]

Nothing changed…. these elderly working class people have had their quality of life destroyed….. I went down to the Residential Home to try and speak to the residents to see if RESPECT could do anything to help.

The Housing Trust had changed the door entry system…. and I got through to a remote operator at the CCTV control room…. When I explained that I just wanted to talk to the residents the controller denied me access.

I could see… through the small wired safety glass window… I could see through the gloom some residents alone in their ‘Day Room’. Imprisoned.

It doesn't matter WHERE you stand politically - what is happening in England now under the auspices of Foundation Hospitals, Supporting People, Mental Health Commissions and Primary Care Trusts is unacceptable. These UK Government organisations are actually reducing people's quality of life to an unacceptable level. And taking away their right to protest. To be heard. In a large number of cases, vulnerable people are being placed at severe risk.

This is one of the worst manifestations of the UK Government's flawed devolution programme and undemocratic, uncaring attitude towards the people of England.

Please spread the word!

1 comment:

  1. And when you try to protest, they give you the body swerve...

    I have been trying to book a surgery appointment with my MP Rosie Cooper - one of NuLab's most loyal yes-monkeys. I rang to book, was told I could see her within a day or two, her office then asked for a brief outline of the problem. I told them that in the last week I had shelled out for 4 prescriptions and 2 hospital visits (car park charges)- making a grand total of £34.40p...

    I told them that I didn't think it was very fair that me, an ordinary sort of geezer should pay nearly 35 quid for stuff when 200 miles up the road, the Duchess of Argyle would soon be getting the equivilent medical stuff absolutely free and for nothing.

    The phone line went a bit quiet - then, when the go-fer came back to the phone, all of a sudden, it has become quite impossible to make an appointment because they 'haven't decided on the new dates for the surgery'....

    I reckon my appointment will have been made for around 2010.... just after the election...
