Assisting The Electorate To Wake Up To The UK Government's Discrimination Against The People Of England.

Monday, June 14, 2010

What Britishness Can And Does Do That Englishness Doesn't Is To Discriminate Against All Citizens Of England

"What Englishness can't do that Britishness can do is appeal unambiguously to people of different ethnic origins," notes Janan Ganesh, political correspondent for The Economist.

It's the BBC reporting again.

But Janeh Ganesh is talking cobblers.

Britishness is not and was never intended to be a blanket nationality simply aimed at everybody living in England.

It was intended to be the blanket nationality of everybody living in England, Scotland and Wales.

With the will to do so, the word "English" could be substituted for the word "British" and an inclusive, civic English nationality be developed.

New arrivals in England have "Britishness" rammed down their threats.

Whilst the PC crowd waste no opportunity to demonise Englishness as a non-inclusive, racist mind set.

But the English have long been a "mongrel" nation.

And all the better for it.

What Britishness does is place every man, woman and child in England at a serious disadvantage when compared to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The West Lothian Question, the Barnett Formula and devolution have seen to that.

The same BBC article also flags up the BBC's bizarre obsession with the 1970s:

In reacting against the multi-cultural and fragmented way in which history has been taught since the 1970s, there is a danger that the pendulum could swing too far the other way.

Um, my wife and others I know will vouch for the fact that British history has been taught with an anti-English bias in English schools since well before the 1970s.

And at the same time, whilst I recall the anti-Englishness rampant in history teaching at the comphrehensive school I attended from 1976-1981, I do not recall a "multi-cultural and fragemented" method of teaching.

If that has happened, I'm sure it was more a product of the PC 1980s and 1990s.

But the BBC musn't mention the 1980s.

Unless it's negative, of course.

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