Assisting The Electorate To Wake Up To The UK Government's Discrimination Against The People Of England.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

SOS - Democratic Rule Sinking Fast...

What makes the Labour Party think that the English would cheerfully submit themselves to rule by either of these old-school Scottish socialists?

A poll for the BBC at the weekend reported that 52 per cent of us are unwilling to accept a Scottish Prime Minister. The result is unsurprising, given that Labour lost the popular vote in England at the last election.

More and more people are asking why we should be governed by ministers who sit for Scottish constituencies. They shouldn’t be allowed to pass laws affecting only the English, when their writ doesn’t even run in their own backyard, since most powers north of the border have been devolved to the Scottish parliament. And the polls show that most Scots agree with us.

That's Richard Littlejohn writing in the Daily Mail. Andy Simpson must have been having fifty fits.

Richard has often highlighted the democratic deficit facing England in his previous columns and on his Sky News show, Littlejohn.

Thanks, Richard.

We need more like him. And the voices must be raised LOUDER. John Reid is about to force through police mergers in England. You can't vote him out. New Labour is about to destroy our ancient counties. With the amount of gerrymandering they've done, it would be EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to vote them out.

It's time to protest. Write. Wave banners. March. Scream and howl.

For democracy's sake.

This blog is supportive of the aims of the Campaign for an English Parliament, but is in no way connected.